Monday, December 03, 2007

We're Back

You know that scene in Mommie Dearest after Joan Crawford aka Faye, picks up ungrateful bitch Tina after she gets in trouble for showing her grandma panties while making out with a boy? You knooooow they argue in the car- Tina tells Joan there is a liquor store on the corner- Joan (Faye) dramatically cries out " I should have known you'd know where to find the BOOZE and the BOYS"? Come on- its right before the famous choking scene... no? Well, anyway Joan walks in bringing the cool night air and ill feelings with her and declares to Barbara (a reporter from Red Book)

"WE'RE BACK" (scarf swooped off head and the heels click on the marble)


I am back.

No scarf on my head, no heels (in my case hard soled shoes on marble). No fights with ungrateful children. I am just back...

I had a rough summer, got a new job, hated the job, loved the job, hated the job again, then settled on "like" and thought that was fine- no need to roller coaster that one again. I hit a really hard wall with "creative" energy and became a sad sack of shit. I stopped making work. I grew a beard that itched, shaved said beard (because Best Friend kept giving me funny looks but was too kind to say it looked like shit. Everyone else said I looked thin with it-which I loved. Truth be told I had lost almost 20 pounds and THAT was why I looked thin- nothing to do with the beard). I wallowed, did not leave my house for days on end, barely showered, watched mid afternoon TV where they told me "Depression hurts- but you don't have to..." and talked to the television. I stomped my feet, cried, drank myself into a stupor, laughed alone, talked to the walls... you know the usual crazy "no one understands me" artist crap.

Then suddenly I snapped out of it (thanks to a dumb ass dream).

I mean, I love melancholia as much as the next self loathing fag but that shit was exhausting.

I now can safely say, I like my new artwork, my new focus/ direction and am well... it is Christmas though and my mom did remind me to have my anxiety meds filled.

Long, long story short- I thought it fitting I begin writing again...


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