Monday, November 06, 2006

Neil Patrick Harris, Like we didn't already know

Not really blog worthy as every other gay man with a blog in America is talking about this but here goes- stop the presses, be sure you are sitting down, hold Danny Pintauro close and get ready for this one- Doogie Howser is GAY!

My ...
who the fuck cares!

I mean seriously, if one more lame ass D-List celebrity pops out of the closet I am going to puke. I don't care that you made it this far in an industry pretending you are something you are not and how "hard" it was for you. Why don't you go talk to the boy in the middle of the country who came out and was booted from his home and beat up everyday at school or the girl who came out and received death threats everyday until she moved away? Seriously...

Then again I guess anyone in the limelight (or just to the side of it) is good... right?

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