Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cheetos and Boones anyone?

This news disgusts me.

Pop star Britney Spears is trying to boost the sales of her husband Kevin Federline's debut album by sponsoring a contest where the fan who helps sell the most albums gets to party with the couple on Halloween. According to MSNBC's The Scoop, the couple are having a special CD release party on Halloween night to promote the aspiring rapper's debut album Playing With Fire. The second prize is a pair of sneakers that Federline wore when he performed at the Teen Choice Awards in August. The third place winner gets a $200 gift certificate, while 10 runners-up get a replica of a medallion that Federline wears.--

What the fuck! Help make a rich couple richer and you can "party" with their sorry asses on Halloween! What exactly does that entail? I can imagine meeting them at their diaper smelling, cat piss, dirty house where you have to sit with K-Fag on some torn leather couch and watch a spoiled brat roll around on the floor (no not brits) while the big woman of the house pops out in rollers, chewing gum, with a fat baby hanging off her hip saying "Be ready in a minute- can I offer you some strawberry Boones, its real good y'all!" in her trailer trash way. She hands you a red plastic cup "We done broke our 2 fancy glasses for the sparkling stuff when we were filming our sex tape on that sofa after Kev's CSI premiere y'all" (chomp chomp, eyelashes falls into cup as she pours). After some crap wine she drops the baby into the crib, wipes her hands on the front of her dress and says "lets go ya'll! PARTY!", She chugs another bottle of Boones then flashes her tits. Then you head out to some shitty party reeking like cheetos, baby shit, and Boones and listen to Britney cry about how hard it is to be her.

If you are the lucky runner up you get to have a pair of USED FUCKING SNEAKERS!! Hello, you just helped them buy another freaking car (shooting low here people) and some more shitty shoes K-Fag never wears- you deserve more than a fucking pair of used sneakers. I would rather third prize of a 200$ gift certificate- but lord knows what that shit will be for- probably for Britney's new perfume cart in the mall. The best is the 10 people who get an UGLY replica of some cheap jewelry! What the HELL!

The prize should be a percentage of their album sales- and not some measly 1% I mean like 30-50%. You deserve it if you convinced people to buy shit that makes their ears bleed.

I say NO to this contest, I say NO to them, I say fucking stop the selling of this album, boycott it, snatch it out of acne filled teenagers hands, prevent anyone from buying it, tackle them, hurt them poke out their ears. It is time to bring that trash down, I am sick of their stupid asses being in the "news" and crowding my gossip pages for nothing other than eating freaking taco bell. I have a contest for you- prove to me you stopped several people from buying the album and I will give you some damn good head... well maybe.

Than again, if you manage to hock that shit to stupid people (without buying it) to meet the king and queen of trash, more power to you. I bet Trent from Pink is the New Blog is all over that (in an ironic way mind you) like cheez wizz on Britney's toast.

What happened to the whore Brit, the one I liked? I miss her.
OH- and since when does K-Fag have fans?

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