Friday, October 06, 2006

Impress your boss with an online degree?!

Ok, I figured I moped enough and it was back to some serious bitcherie.

While looking at my e-mail today I made the mistake of paying attention to the blinking banner above. It was for one of those money stealing shit houses disguised as a University. The design was a bunch of ripped notebook paper and tape all over the pieces and the text read "Impress your boss with an online degree in:" and listed the various useless degrees they offered. Seriously- who the hell sees that and says "you know what that WOULD impress my boss" and on that note- what "boss" is saying "You know what I find most impressive about you, your online degree- way to go tiger. Way to show me your lazy, cheap, initiative.". I mean what the hell- I feel bad for the people who think it's a good idea to throw away your money like that.

Which brings me to another online add that pisses me off- the Tru and personal adds that seem to flood my myspace account and my inbox (You visit one porn site and its all over). I hate those things. First of all its the HOTTEST guy ever in the add and I am sorry, I have done the online dating thing and NO ONE online looks like that. Maybe they did when they were 19 but not when they are 32 , balding with a beer gut- that's why they are online. The worst is when I have met people with fake pictures. Its like they think they are going to get away with it. I mean what, I am not going to notice they look 15 years older, have manboobs and no hair? Its awful. I also am not into seeing these dumb single adds because they are constant reminders of how 1. I am single 2. I need to stop eating in order to have a six pack 3. I am ugly and that's why I am single and 4. I fell victim to those sites- believing the guy in the add was actually on there (told you I am not the brightest bulb sometimes). I fucking hate those things.

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