Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Excuse me Representative?

I am sure everyone has been made fully aware of the latest sex scandal in politics involving Representative Mark Foley and his sexually explicit e-mails to an underage congressional page. I must admit, I am happy because the man is a Republican from Florida who got caught with his pants down (so to speak and well maybe not, you never know). I have no sympathy for the man, no sympathy for the Congressional Page (please, when I was 16 I was e-mailing sexually explicit material to older men as well- I was horny damn it), least of all sympathy for the Republican party. The worst part about this "scandal" is Mark Foley's pathetic excuses and attempts to cover his old poor ass judgment.

"I was drunk" um HELLLLOOOO we have all been drunk and made asses of ourselves but we also all know that there is a small kernel of truth in every drunken move ( also everyone knows- or should know- you never get near a computer, phone or fax when drunk for fear of sending stupid e-mail, myspace messages, aim, looking for sex because you think its funny.... wait never mind).

" I am an alcoholic" ok fine, but you're still a big ole faggot in wolves clothing. Get your stupid ass to AA, maybe you can meet some man your own age to fool around with.

"I have mental problems" ahhh yeah apparently- you were in public office lying all those years, not just to yourself but to all the hicks dumb enough to vote for you- that's enough to make anyone "mental". The whole world has "mental issues", why do you think we fight all the freaking time- no excuse you mo.

" I was molested". This one takes the cake. What is he trying to do here? The man basically discredited himself with all the "mental" and drunken behavior over the years now he wants us to believe its because he was molested between the ages of 13- 15? I think not my friend (This reminds me of that rapper who claimed he was "raped" by a fan and then impregnated her- dude in order to get someone pregnant you have to cum inside of them which means you were hard, which means you were stimulated and got off. "Man rape" is usually in the ass, not fun and very painful plus NO ONE ends up pregnant). Mr Foley, Tell me you were abducted by aliens, given the anal probe, you loved it, couldn't get enough, even asked the aliens to take a probe home- now they visit you on a regular basis to check your colon. I have an easier time believing that than this "molested" by a priest thing. It's just too many excuses all at once- leave the church molesting accusations to the men and women who aren't sleazy politicians and have actually suffered from the incident. Molested or not, Mr. Foley, you are gay- gay gay gay gay gay.

Which brings me to this point- His "coming out". Now that he was forced to come out of the closet he wants to be championed as a gay hero? This reminds me of a stupid article I read in New York Magazine that featured the horny New Jersey Governor's publicity stunt - talking about his "gayness" to promote some lame ass book. That article was awful. My best friend and I talked about this and were disgusted. He wants to be viewed with sympathy? I tell you who I sympathize with- all those men and women who had the balls to come out when they were young and got the shit kicked out of them by closeted homos like McGreevey. I sympathize with people whose lives are hard because they are being who they ARE not because they are hiding who they are for personal gain (let alone political). I sympathize with McGreevey's freaking WIFE and DAUGHTER whose lives are now a circus because of his selfish aspirations. McGreevey is slicker than a lubed up cock ready for anal- talking about the thrill of tricking everyone- dude shut up, you look like an ass ( actually you know who looks like a bigger ass- that guy he was knocking it with Gloem or whatever his stupid name is. The man called up Oprah and claimed he was a victim- oh shut your pie hole man, you were not a "victim" , please refer to "rapper rape" in previous paragraph except in this case Mr. G, you asked for it in the butt).

The most disgusting thing of ALL - and this is my final thought- is an article I read today in the New York Times. Here is a quote

"With their party under attack because of the scandal, Governor Bush and other Republicans suggested that Democrats were hypocrites for taking them to task. In particular, Democratic leaders have attacked Representative J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, the House speaker, who is said to have learned about some communications between Mr. Foley and a 16-year-old page months ago.

Mr. Dinerstein said he and other Republicans intended to trumpet the story of Mel Reynolds, the former Democratic congressman from Chicago who was imprisoned for corruption and for having sex with an under-age campaign worker. Former President Bill Clinton pardoned Mr. Reynolds before he left office.

“If the Democrats want to fight on the issue of who's protecting the public and the children and all that,” Mr. Dinerstein said, “God bless them, because two weeks from now Mel Reynolds will be a household name.”

HYPOCRITES!!! HYPOCRITES!!! I just ate when I read this and suddenly tasted my breakfast again. Do I really need to point out the fallacy- all the witch hunts the Republican party has done, the lies they have told,scandals they have covered up (WMD, Hi how are you?). I can't even begin with this or I will burst another blood vessel in my eye (yeah I did that last week from stress).

My solution to all this crap is as follows
1.Take the damn horny teenagers out of capitol hill and hire some hags to do their jobs (All the teens are learning is how to flirt with old men anyway).
2. Take away prescriptions for Viagra from men that are in public office (most men should have this done to them but I am sure I will be singing a different tune when I need the shit).
3. Make each politician involved in this travesty take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves as leaders "is all this finger pointing and Lohan/Hilton fight behavior really doing the country any good".

I think you will find the answer is NO. Leave the bitch fights to the bitches, put your wrinkled dicks away and do your F'n JOBS.

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